Sunday, August 21, 2022

Healthcare Savings Accounts with Major Medical Plans

Borde Insurance Finance Investments

If you are responsible for your company's benefit package, and you want to enable your employees to pay for deductibles and copayments with tax deductible dollars, watch this video to learn why Health Savings Accounts are so strongly endorsed by the US government.

Call: 321-252-2340

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Saturday, August 20, 2022

Retirement Savings Without Investment Losses

 Borde Insurance Finance Investments

If you are saving money for retirement, and you are at all concerned about the safety of your money, watch this video to learn how you can be guaranteed to save, grow, and protect your money against investment losses, economic downturns, and excessive management fees.

Call: 321-252-2340

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#taxfreeretirement #retirement #lifeinsurance #annuity #GuaranteedLifetimeIncome #WholeLifeInsurance #fixedindexedannuities #universalindexedlife #uil #IUL #insurance #investments #finance #money #safety #management #investment

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Guaranteed Lifetime Income Withdrawals

 Borde Insurance Finance Investments

If you are approaching retirement or already retired, and you are looking for the highest and surest way to withdraw money from your retirement savings, watch this video to learn how you can get guaranteed fixed income withdrawals for as long as you live, and without the risk of running out of money.

Call: 321-252-2340
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#taxfreeretirement #retirement #lifeinsurance #annuity #GuaranteedLifetimeIncome #WholeLifeInsurance #fixedindexedannuities #universalindexedlife #uil #IUL #insurance #investments #finance #money 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Your Tax Free Retirement Strategy

 Borde Insurance Finance Investments

If you are currently saving for retirement with an IRA, 401k, 403b or 457 plan . . . . watch this short video to learn how the money you save can be paid out to you during retirement tax free.

Call: 321-252-2340

Visit to schedule consultation:

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#taxfreeretirement #retirement #lifeinsurance #annuity #WholeLifeInsurance #universalindexedlife #uil #IUL #insurance #finance #strategy #tax #money #investments

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Fill the Gaps in Your Medicare Coverage

 Borde Insurance Finance Investments

If you are eligible for Medicare benefits, but realize that Medicare does not pay for all your healthcare expenses, watch this short video to learn how easy it is to fill the "Gaps" in your Medicare coverage and potentially save thousands of dollars each year.

Call: 321-252-2340

To schedule consultation visit:

Informational video:

#medigap #medicaresupplement #mapd #medicareadvantageplans #retirement #Medicare #medicareadvantage #insurance #healthcare

Special 401(k) for Business Owners Without Full Time Employees

 Borde Insurance Finance Investments

If you work for yourself and have no employees working more than 1000 hours a year . . . watch this short video to discover the extraordinary benefits of a Solo 401(k) Plan.
Watch our informative video:

Monday, August 8, 2022

Retirement Plan Comparison

Retirement Plan Comparison

If you currently save for retirement in a tax deferred account like a 401k, 403b, IRA or SEP, and would like to see for yourself if you can take out more net spendable income from a Retirement Insurance Contract . . . then watch this video to see how you can quickly and easily run the numbers side by side.

Call: +1 321-252-2340

#retirement #insurance #financialplanning #retirementplanning

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Stop using Cash! Cut the Debit Card! Use the Credit Card!

 I've come across many individuals who have been using cash and debit cards for years not realizing that they are throwing money away. For example an employer sponsored 401K - It is logical to invest at least the minimum to receive the employers maximum contribution match! In the same respect utilize credit cards with incentives such as cash back, bonuses & other perks! Charge on all / everyday purchases that you are accustomed to paying by cash or debit & pay if off on or before the due date! Ideally would be getting into the habit of paying off every two weeks. 

Some of the additional perks include & may be limited dependent of account approved for:

  • Bonus miles & multiplier when miles are used for eligible purchases
  • Cash back for eligible purchases
  • Additional savings at select retailers
  • Travel & rental insurance
  • Cash back for purchases at grocery stores, Amazon, Paypal (using card), gas stations, restaurants etc...
  • Global Entry or TSA Precheck credits
  • Priority Pass & other lounge free access
  • & More!
Savings to consider especially in our current inflationary time:
5% back at gas stations - $3.50 per gallon of gas automatically cost when using card with this incentive $3.325... 

To go even further, since you were use to spending via cash or debit all this time - these now unrealized savings per month can be directed into an investment account or permanent life insurance policy with cash value growth & other living benefits!

For some of my current favorites visit:

Insured Alternative to Bank CDs

  Borde & Associates, P.A. Corrie Borde Insured Alternative to Bank CDs is the Multi Year Guaranteed Annuity (MYGA) If you keep money ...