Thursday, December 14, 2023

Convert Business Equity into Tax Free Retirement

If you have an ownership interest in a profitable business with accounts receivable or market value in excess of $1,000,000, watch this video to learn how you can leverage your business equity into personal tax free retirement income.
Call (321) 252-2340

Saturday, December 2, 2023

2024 Health Insurance Open Enrollment ends Jan 15, 2024!

For a fast, easy, user friendly enrollment experience visit:

#easyenrollment #affordablehealthinsurance #affordablehealthcare #healthinsurance 

Guaranteed Lifetime Income Withdrawals

If you are approaching retirement or already retired, and you are looking for the highest and surest way to withdraw money from your retirement savings, watch this video to learn how you can get guaranteed fixed income withdrawals for as long as you live, and without the risk of running out of money.

Call (321) 252-2340 to schedule a consultation / review.

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Tax Free Income from Your IRA

 Tax Free Income from Your IRA

If you are currently saving money for retirement in any tax deferred account like an IRA, 401k or 403b, and you'd like a way to convert tax deferred into tax exempt, watch this short video on a retirement savings account with tax exempt growth and tax exempt income.

This is not tax or legal advice, examples are hypothetical, past performance is not indicative of future results.

Call or text to schedule your review 321-730-2536

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Indexed Annuity "Hedging" Explanation

  Indexed Annuity "Hedging" Explanation If you want to understand how Indexed Annuities can credit your money with interest rates ...